The Museum of Flight awarded $238,000 in scholarships to 14 Washington students for post-secondary education and flight training during a ceremony held at the Museum on May 16. The scholarships are awarded each year to students who have participated in The Museum of Flight’s education programs or are enrolled in Raisbeck Aviation High School. The recipients represent a racial and economic diversity of 77 applicants chosen from 27 school districts. The ceremony was emceed by the Museum’s Vice President of Education, Dr. Dana Riley Black, with additional remarks by the Museum’s President and CEO, Matt Hayes.
The 14 scholarship recipients represent nine school districts, and they reported their gender as 57 percent male and 43 percent female. Fourteen percent reported eligibility for Free/Reduced lunch. (Detailed data is available upon request.)
The Museum of Flight’s Boeing Academy for STEM Learning
All education programs at The Museum of Flight operate under the umbrella of
The Boeing Academy for STEM Learning, which was created in 2015 through a major investment by The Boeing Company and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Boeing, Jr. From pre-kindergarten to college prep and career readiness programs, the Academy provides unparalleled learning opportunities for students to explore and prepare for education and career pathways in aviation and space.
The Academy strives to accelerate opportunities for all youth, with particular focus on those populations underrepresented in aviation and space, by connecting them to fulfilling, in-demand STEM careers. The Academy operates in partnership with schools, community-based organizations, government, business and industry to ensure that the next generation of workers are ready to lead and innovate.
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